Wake up to your own divinity. Transform your experience of being alive. Improve everything.
Make Your Life Miraculous
The practice of being present, delivered to you every other day.
Every Monday morning you'll get a dose of inspiration and an affirmative prayer by Jane Roberts, covering a variety of themes such as oneness, gratitude, abundance, creativity, love, and more.
The purpose of these affirmative prayers is not to get something or to make something outside ourselves happen. And it’s not about asking for things or praying to a power in the sky, Instead, it’s about raising our consciousness, our vibrational energy and our receptivity to all that is. At a core level, it’s about raising our levels of awareness.

To Be of Use
Apr 6, 2020 • 00:06:29
Marge Piercy To Be of Use ———— The people I love the best jump into work head first without dallying in the shallows and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight. They seem to become natives of that element, the black sleek heads of seals bouncing like…
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Give yourself a moment to breathe, reflect, and raise your vibration.
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Do you intuitively sense that there is more to life?
Do you sometimes feel like you are the obstacle in the way of your own progress?
Are you ready to experience more of who and what you really are?
There is a power in the universe, and you are one with it. When you really know that, your life deepens and opens in amazing ways. Exploring that truth, being present to it, and allowing it to work in your life is what this spiritual journey is all about.
I’m here to help guide you on that exploration.
I am Jane Roberts.
When you are present to the Presence with you, life deepens. And so do you.
Behind the physicality of the world, beyond the mirage of molecules and the smoke and mirrors of the ego, lies a fundamentally invisible, unified field that is consciousness.It is the intelligence of the universe. It is love. It is power. It is creativity. And it is everywhere present.
Let's explore it. Together.

Ready to slow down and reconnect with who you really are?
Start by diving
into a guided

Go Deep
Set an intention on a subconscious level with daily affirmative prayers
Be Present
Develop daily practices to stay tuned into True Nature

Get into the Now — where your true power resides — with my books, podcasts, guided meditations and affirmative prayers.