The practice of being present, delivered to you every other day.
Every Monday morning you'll get a dose of inspiration and an affirmative prayer by Jane Roberts, covering a variety of themes such as oneness, gratitude, abundance, creativity, love, and more.
The purpose of these affirmative prayers is not to get something or to make something outside ourselves happen. And it’s not about asking for things or praying to a power in the sky, Instead, it’s about raising our consciousness, our vibrational energy and our receptivity to all that is. At a core level, it’s about raising our levels of awareness.
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Marge Piercy To Be of Use ———— The people I love the best jump into work head first without dallying in the shallows and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight. They seem to become natives of that element, the black sleek heads of seals bouncing like half-submerged balls. I love people…
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Mary Oliver When Death Comes ———— When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn; when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse to buy me, and snaps the purse shut; when death comes like the measle-pox when death comes like an iceberg between the shoulder blades, I want to…
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Lockdown by Richard Hendrick Yes there is fear. Yes there is isolation. Yes there is panic buying. Yes there is sickness. Yes there is even death. But, They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise You can hear the birds again. They say that after just a few weeks of quiet The…
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A poem by Lynn Ungar Pandemic What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath— the most sacred of times? Cease from travel. Cease from buying and selling. Give up, just for now, on trying to make the world different than it is. Sing. Pray. Touch only those to whom you commit…
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I know peace in the present. The eternal presence of True Nature surrounds and imbues my consciousness with peace and presence. I focus my awareness on this Truth. This present moment is where my awareness lives and where I know the Universe as my everpresent Source of love, wisdom, and peace. This present moment is…
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There is only One Power, One Presence, and One Life. It is whole complete and perfect. It is infinite. With no beginning and no end. As such, it is timeless. It is immediate. It is fully present, fully conscious, fully powerful. At all times. In all ways. The Infinite is always expressing Its magnificence. It can be…
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There is one love. It is divine love. And it is everywhere present. I am created from this love. I am one with this love. In fact, saying I’m one with it almost denies the inseparability of this oneness. There is no me and oness, me and this love. There is only oneness. Only love.…
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Recognition: There is a power and presence in this world. And I am aware of it. And it is aware of me. Why? Why am I aware of it and why do I care to declare my awareness of it right now? Because I am awake to the miracle of being alive. And saying so is an…
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Recognition: There is one all knowing, all powerful Presence in the Universe. It is in and around me. Oneness: I am one with this presence, and It is one with me. Awareness: My increased awareness of the Divine expands my consciousness to a new level of understanding and new heights of spiritual expression. I let…
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Recognition: There is One Power, One Presence, and, One Source of all there is. I call it True Nature. I am one with it. Therefore, it’s nature is my nature. Oneness: I tune in to this oneness. I embrace this unity with love, and I am at peace. Awareness: Feeling my deep connection with all…
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