Affirmative Prayer
Infinite Intelligence
February 17, 2020

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There is One infinite Intelligence that gives itself to all of creation. It is the creative force behind all that is. It is all possibility. It is all love. And it is everywhere present. In all things. As all things.
It is True Nature. And it is my nature. Because there is only oneness.
This infinite intelligence, infinite love, infinite possibility is always active in me, creating new ideas, fresh insights, inspired thoughts, clarity, and perspective. I am open to expanded possibilities. I am ready to deepen my awareness of the divine, knowing that the Power and Presence of True Natures flows through me and manifests itself in amazing and miraculous ways. I trust that Infinite intelligence is operating through me now in every aspect of my life. I relax, confident there is always an answer and a viable solution to everything I need to know and everything I need to do. All is well. All is in in divine right order, and everything is working out for the highest and best.
I am grateful for this truth, this perfection and this flow.
I release my words, knowing it is already so. And so it is.