The practice of being present, delivered to you every other day.
Every Monday morning you'll get a dose of inspiration and an affirmative prayer by Jane Roberts, covering a variety of themes such as oneness, gratitude, abundance, creativity, love, and more.
The purpose of these affirmative prayers is not to get something or to make something outside ourselves happen. And it’s not about asking for things or praying to a power in the sky, Instead, it’s about raising our consciousness, our vibrational energy and our receptivity to all that is. At a core level, it’s about raising our levels of awareness.
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Recognition: The all-encompassing good of the one infinite power is everywhere present in its entirety. It is absolute. It is True Nature. Oneness: It is the source of all. And I am one with it. I am consciousness of this unity. And from this unity, I speak my word. Awareness: I am wide-awake to my…
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Recognition: I am aware that the nature of the universe is spiritual. This includes me and everything and everyone in it. Oneness: As I contemplate the vastness of all that is, my awareness expands. As I meditate, I bring my attention to the Presence of spirit as the single source of all that I am.…
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Recognition: I know there is One Power and Presence in the Universe. Oneness: As I seek, I discover the Truth about myself and this Universe. I am an individualization of the One Source of all that is. Its magnificence is everywhere present-in, as, and through all life and in as and through my life. Awareness:…
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Recognition: I live, move, and have my being in a field of infinite possibility. I call it True Nature. Oneness: And I am one with it. I am one with the infinite. I am one with the divine. And in truth, this is all I really need to know. The vastness of this truth floods my…
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Recognition: There is only One Power in the Universe. Oneness: I have total faith in this Infinite Source and know I am one with it. Its energy envelops my entire being and nurtures my soul. Awareness: I consciously invite, allow and am present to the flow of this source energy within me and all around me.…
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Recognition: There is One infinite Intelligence that gives itself to all of creation. It is the creative force behind all that is. It is all possibility. It is all love. And it is everywhere present. In all things. As all things. Oneness: It is True Nature. And it is my nature. Because there is only…
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Recognition: One Infinite Mind is all there is. Oneness: It is all good. And it is all that I am. Awareness: As I accept this Truth, my inner awareness awakesns to the discovery of the Divine Presence within me. And oh how wonderful it is to be present and aware of this divinity within me.…
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Recognition: There is a Power for good in the Universe that is ever available and always present. Oneness: I am unified with this Power, I am one with it. I call it True Natue. And I’m made of this same stuff. Awareness: Centered in and filled with the Divine, I know I am an integral…
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Recognition: Infinite Intelligence is all there is. Oneness: That which created me out of Itself is the One Mind in which all creation exists, expresses, and evolves. Awareness: Divine Presence is always awake and aware within me, ready for my awareness of it. I call on the power of creation to keep me fully conscious…
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Recognition: There is a power and a presence in the universe. I call it True Nature. Oneness: This power and presence is always on, always operating, ever present. It is creative, loving, and always available. In fact, I cannot be separated from it because I am made from it, surrounded by it, and immersed in…
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