The practice of being present, delivered to you every other day.
Every Monday morning you'll get a dose of inspiration and an affirmative prayer by Jane Roberts, covering a variety of themes such as oneness, gratitude, abundance, creativity, love, and more.
The purpose of these affirmative prayers is not to get something or to make something outside ourselves happen. And it’s not about asking for things or praying to a power in the sky, Instead, it’s about raising our consciousness, our vibrational energy and our receptivity to all that is. At a core level, it’s about raising our levels of awareness.
Subscribe and get a dose of inspiration and an affirmative prayer delivered every Monday morning!

Recognition: Life is energy and consciousness. Oneness: With renewed clarity I see that I am one with the source of all. Its energy is around me expressing through me. Awareness: The creative energy of the universe is equally distributed throughout all of creation, manifesting as peace, harmony, wisdom, joy, health, and abundance. Just as Infinite Intelligence…
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Recognition: I am immersed in, surround by, and living proof of a loving Universe. Oneness: I bring my awareness to the power and presence of True Nature. As I bring my attention to it, I become aware of how it fills me, moves through me and expresses as me. Awareness: My life is living proof…
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Recognition: This Universe is powered by, imbued with, and made entirely of one Infinite, magnificent Source Oneness: I am in continual contact with the Divine because in truth there is no separation between me and all that is. Awareness: This unlimited Source operates in, as, and through me. Because I know this Truth, my thoughts, actions…
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Recognition: True Nature is the power and presence of all life. Oneness: I am created out of that unity, that oneness, that divine essence, that infinite source. Awareness: I am an unlimited and boundless expression of True Nature. As a spiritual being having a human, earthly experience, I am in awe of the beautiful gift…
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Recognition: I am centered in the Power and Presence of all there is. Oneness: I awaken into this day of incredible oneness with the Divine Source of creation. Awareness: As I align myself with True Nature, it fills every aspect of my experience. I move from a place of believing to a place of knowing…
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Recognition: There is One Omnipresent Source. It is the source of all life. Oneness: The very idea of separation from this Source is an illusion. I therefore know I am an expression of the perfect essence of life. I am unified with Divine Presence. Awareness: I bring my awareness to this Presence. As I do…
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Recognition: True Nature is all there is. Oneness: I recognize the living spirit of True Nature as my life. I am one with all that is. Awareness: Each day is an awakening in which I recognize more and more of the divine within. True Nature guides, inspires and uplifts me, moving me ever upward in its…
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Recognition: There is One Divine Intelligence. This intelligence sustains and maintains all life everywhere Oneness: I am one with this power, this presence, this intelligence. As such, the attributes of love, peace, power, joy, beauty, and wisdom express within me and as me. Awareness: My consciousness is filled with the light of Truth, love and understanding.…
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Recognition: One Infinite Presence in and through all things is the very essence of all that has ever existed, exists now, and shall ever exist. It is infinite consciousness. It is True Nature. Oneness: And I am made of it. It is my body, my mind, and my entire being. I am the essence of…
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Recognition: I recognize that there is One Source of all life. This source is infinite, ever-present, and forever expanding. Oneness: I am one with the consciousness that is the power behind all of life. Awareness: Divine Presence guides and directs me into greater living. I am continuously increasing my understanding of Truth. I am open…
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